The FEI have outlawed trimming the whiskers of competition horses in a ruling that will begin in July 2021!
Horses are not allowed to compete in any FEI competitions internationally if "the horses sensory hairs have been clipped and/or shaven or in any other way removed unless individual sensory hairs have been removed by a veterinarian to prevent pain or discomfort for the horse." However trimming for veterinary reasons is exempt from this ruling.
The horses whiskers, or vibrissae, are so sensitive to vibration and change in air current they can instantly inform the horse about his environment - for example helping him avoid injury by detecting nearby objects, differentiating between different textures, judging wind direction and identifying food. The horse has a blind spot beneath his muzzle and so his whiskers are a vital aid to his vision.
Removing these whiskers reduce horses spatial awareness and leaves his partially handicapped.
We in the UK are still very backwards in many aspects of horse welfare and its time for us to catch up and learn.